Vijaya Dashami Greetings

To all KU Alumni/ Alumnae,

Wishing you all a very HAPPY VIJAYA DASHAMI 2065. May this festival bring lasting peace in the country and open the door for prosperity towards NEW NEPAL.

With Best Wishes,
Information and Knowledge Management Committee, KUAA

To start up with some discussions we are posting two popular Dashain Greetings that were going around last year. There is no clear record of who created these, but we would like to duly acknowledge the unknown source here. Please post as comments any new and interesting Dashain greetings that come up this year. Explicit writings would be moderated.

टिका होस् निधार मा,जमरा होस् कान मा,सुख होस् परिवार मा, शान्ती होस् देश मा ,दसैं मा खुशी को बास होस् सत्रु को नाश होस्,हरेक परिक्षा मा पास होस्,सुन चांदी को रास होस्,हात मा 21 पत्ति को तास होस्, र घर मा मासु र बियर को बास होस्, पुरा होस् मनोकामना,यही छ मेरो विजय दशमी 2065 को शुभकामना

Bhimsen ko shakti

Meerabai Ko Bhakti

Dr.Abdul Kalaam Ko Gyan

Mr.Bush ko jasto Shaan

Einstein Ko Buddhi

Nobel Prize Ko Siddhi

Bill gates Ko Sampatti

Dukha bata sadhai Mukti

Mercedez Ko Car

Diamonds Ko Haar

Microsoft Ko Share

Pasia Ko Dher

John Abhraham Ko Style

Aishwarya Ko Smile

Amitabh Ko Personality

David Becham Ko Popularity

Worldtour Ko Ticket

Tendulkar Ko Wicket

Bhagat Singh Ko Deshprem

Tapaiko Sweetheart Ko Amarprem

Dherai bhanda dherai maanche haru ko saath hos

Ghar ma sukha shanti ko sadhai baas hos.

DURGA BHAGAWANI le sadai hamro kalyan garun, JAI NEPAL!!! HAPPY DASHAIN 2065!

This joyous festival of Dashain may you so be blessedwith a year of good fortune & prosperity


Anonymous said...

Happy Dashain to all.

Unknown said...

I am very happy to see this blog. I think everybody will be more informed about KUAA activity through this space.

I would like to congratulate the person who though it is possible and worked for it.:-)

I would also like to wish all the KUAA people Happy Dashain 2065


Anonymous said...

Nice to see this initiation. We need to be regular with postings though.

Happy Dashain to all.